Soprano & Voice Teacher, North York, Toronto, (Don Mills & Sheppard)


I'd like to share on this blog things that inspired me (relating to music, singing & vocal pedagogy) - hopefully they will inspire you too! Frequency - about once a month. You are welcome to leave your comments and suggestions or e-mail me.

I will also publish in this blog events and performances and you are also welcome to visit my official website or voice studio website. Happy reading and singing!

~ Miriam

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Students' Concert / Open Lesson

Students' Concert / Open Lesson: April 3rdNext student concert / open lesson: Saturday, April 3rd - location and exact hour to be determined. Fee: $20. To register, click here.

Sorry about the picture, got carried away by the influence of Django Bates and The Shaggs...

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