Soprano & Voice Teacher, North York, Toronto, (Don Mills & Sheppard)


I'd like to share on this blog things that inspired me (relating to music, singing & vocal pedagogy) - hopefully they will inspire you too! Frequency - about once a month. You are welcome to leave your comments and suggestions or e-mail me.

I will also publish in this blog events and performances and you are also welcome to visit my official website or voice studio website. Happy reading and singing!

~ Miriam

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Anatomy of the Neck Video

If you can't view the video, click here.

View this beautiful video to get an idea how complex the neck & larynx area is; and appreciate better how all those muscles, ligaments, bones and cartilages have to work in perfect correlation to produce a beautiful sound... And that is still not enough... involved are also the pharynx, mouth, chest, facial muscles and abdominal muscles... Knowing your body better will result in more awareness, more respect to your body and your "instrument" and hopefully - understand better how to create those subtle movements and subtle changes that tune your instrument until you are able to achieve your ideal sound and its many colors.

More info about vocal anatomy
Anatomy links

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